Paweł Lenartowicz

Paweł Zdun

Application for the prosecution of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin by the International Criminal Court for war crimes and crimes against humanity

Version:   0.3   01.03.2022   (former versions)  
  0.2        27.02.2022
0.3        01.03.2022


International Criminal Court
The Prokurator of ICC
Po Box 19519, 2500 CM, The Hague, The Netherlands

Dear Mr. Prosecutor,

I. according to the Rome Statut we submit an application to the International Criminal Court:

1. to initiate an investigation against the President of the Russian Fereration (Russia) Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, whom we accuse of war crimes and the crimes against humanity described in Article 7 and Art.8 The Rome Statute  (2)  
  The possibility to procede such request by the Court has been confirmed publicly by Court Prosecutor Karim Khan on February 25, 2022.  

2. We are requesting the immediate issue of a decision on pre-trial detention of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin and issuing of an appropriate international arrest warrant along with other legal measures necessary to prevent possible further crimes.

II. Justification:

1. Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is misusing institutions of russian state as a criminal ogranisation planing and performing to take control  (3)  
  Choć używamy słowa "kontrola" nie oznacza ona sprawowania rzetelnej i sprawiedliwej władzy w standarowym rozumieniu tych słów, lecz prowadzi do wykorzystania, degradacji i rozpadu. Pełne wyjaśnienie tych procesów wykracza poza prawo karne i nie jest przedmiotem tego wniosku.  

over another states with the help of violence, terror, blackmail and crimes committed by hostilities including also crimes against humanity. Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin was an officer of KGB - an organisation which name has been changed  (4)  
  Komitet Bezpieczeństwa Państwowego przy Radzie Ministrów ZSRR, zwany skrótowo KGB przekształcony został w 1991 roku w szereg instytucji jak:
  1. Służba Wywiadu Zagranicznego Federacji Rosyjskiej,
  2. Federalna Służba Bezpieczeństwa Federacji Rosyjskiej,
  3. Federalna Służba Ochrony Federacji.
Bez pełnego odkrycia archiwów nie wiemy, czy i na ile zmiana ta oznaczała zerwanie z kryminalną przeszłością. Można jednak podejrzewać, że zarówno styl i metody pracy, jak także wyobrażania lękowe o grożącym podobno Rosji niebezpieczeństwie ze stron tzw. "Zachodu", jak i zawarte w nich psychotyczno-obronne oraz propagandowe motywy ludzkich działań przeniknęły po cześci do różnych instytucji Rosji i przywrócone zostały po części działaniami samego W.Putina, który oficjalnie domaga się przywrócenia mocarstwowej Rosji z epoki działania KGB.

Pytania te nie są przedmiotem naszego wniosku, w którym zaznaczamy jedynie inspirowaną przez Vladimir Vladimirovich Putins' kontynuację podległych mu instytucji państwa po KGB.

and, which goal was taking control over the whole world, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putins' public statements prove that he is still familiar with this motive and he may continue this task.

2. Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin implements this together with the unlawful and the criminal destruction of the democratic system of power in Russia itself and turning it into a subordinate inhuman machine of crime, which the modus operandi is to spread terror, murder, and crimes that become integration centers of degenerated system of power.

Guided and inspired by Vladimir Vladimirovich Putinthe russian state has committed many murders as part of its operation on it's own citizens commissioned by an order, suggestion or permission, an incomplete list of which is provided under this footnote:  (5)  
  1. Aleksandr Lebiedz - general, participated in the Chechen wars
  2. Anatoly Sobchak - mayor of St. Petersburg
  3. Sergey Yushenkov
  4. Anna Politkovskaya - journalist describing the crimes made by the Russians in Chechnya
  5. Stanisław Markiełow - attorney-at-law
  6. Anastazja Baburowa - journalist of "Nowaja Gazieta"
  7. Alexander Litvinenko - FSB officer, who received from the russian state authorities an order to murder
  8. Matthew Puncher - the scientist who showed the footprints polonium in the body of the murdered Litvinenko
  9. Boris Nemtsov - politician of reforms initiated by Gorbaczov
  10. Boris Bieriezowski
  11. attempted murder on Alexei Navalny. Evidence that an attempted murder with Novichok poison was undertaken by the power structures in Russia was presented by A. Nawalny himself via a telephone recording own conversation with the perpetrator, who also died later in the so-called "unexplained circumstances"

The postulate of explaining the circumstances of these murders is not the main part of our application, although we wish to underline that the state apparatus led by Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin inspires these crime at least by hindering it's explanations.

3. Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is the inspirer of militrary agression against other countries, such as:
  1. The armed attack on the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria that resulted in extermination of a significant percentage of the entire population of the country, and the degradation the social life that existed before this attack  (6)  
      Jakkolwiek Federacja Rosyjska odmawia odpowiedzialności za te zbrodnie, niemniej setki skarg wpłynęły do Europejskiego Trybunału Praw Człowieka (ECHR), o czym odnośniki do dalszych informacji znaleźć można wręcz na stronach wikipedii.  

    . Also the president of Chechen Republic, Aslan Maskhadov has been murdered by Russia.

  2. Ethnical purges carried out by the Russian armed forces in 2008 in the Republic of South Ossetia. A conclusion on this Georgia has submitted to the International Court of Justice.

  3. Genocide in the Republic of Abkhazia 1992. Conclusion to this Georgia is planning to file to this tribunal.

  4. Military aggression to Georgia in 2008. It has been stopped by the international protests. Nevertheless, pro-Putin forces have removed President of Georgia Saakashvili from his office and led to his persecution which threatened him with death.

  5. Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin took personal responsibility for explaining the reasons on Smolensk Airplain Tragedy, which took place April 10 2010 in the territory of Russia. The evidence has been provided, that the catastrophe was a planned and carried out crime against the President of the Polish Republic, Lech Kaczyński together with the then ruling elite of the Polish state, including the leaders The Polish Armed Forces. Yet Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin did not provide any explanation, which includes this evidence.

  6. Supporting of state terrorism in the Middle East: An example is the participation in the civil war in the Syrian Arab Republic, and most probably the inspiration of this war, in which Russian troops rearmed the regime of President Hafiz al-Assad, who commited mass executions against own civilian population including chemical weapons used against them. Russian troops has blocked also the implementation of the UN Security Council Resolution regarding this civil was.

  7. There are indications, that the Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin Secret Service softly took over important power structures in Germany and is using them to break up the structures of the European Union. An example of massive corruption against Union officials is listed below  (7)  
      Here is a list of European politicians, who succumb to addictive pressures of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin and are currently operating openly against the interests of European countries:


These attacks and crimes are not the main subject in the current version of this application, although they constitute strong indirect evidence. Their full explanation will most probably only be possible after gaining access to the state archives of Russia and other countries. Nevertheless, their presentation in this application is justified, because the very fact of the relationship between these social phenomena with the state apparatus created and led by Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is shocking enought for the susspection that these crimes inspire possible followers to spontaneous formation of the next criminal feedbacks. That means, that ten action of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin even if it only sometimes can be qualified as war crimes or genocite, it initiates avalanches of such crimes !
The leaders of the power structures share in our opinion no only the responsibility for direct crime orders, but also for social mechanisms they created, and which are in this case intentionally of the criminal nature.

4. Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is the principal of the military aggression (war) against Ukraine aimed in the annihilation of the Ukrainian nation and the takeover control  (8)  
  See footnote no.2.  

over the territory left after this extermination. Proof of such a goal actions are public speaches of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, in which he denies the Ukrainian people not only the right for self-determination, but also the right to exist as a state in general. Such statements made by a political leader and the disposer of the armed forces signifies an intention to genocide as it is defined in Article 6 of the Rome Statute of this Tribunal.
This is the main part of our application submitted in this letter

During these hostilities, crimes against Ukraine's civilians are committed, and on women and children, attacked and destroyed residential buildings, hospitals, kindergartens as well, which is the proof of war crimes.

5. The necessity to immediately release international arrest warrants and other preventive measures indicated in point 2 of this application follows in our opinion from fact of durating war, in particular from attacks on Ukrainian cities: Kyiv, Kharkiv, Lviv and others, during which the inhabitants of Ukraine are killed. Unjustified delay in the processing of the application means not only the death of civilians, but also the risk of a complete suppression of Ukraine's state, which qualifies as genocide, as well as a serious risk of removing witnesses by means of murder. It forces in our opinion to issue an arrest warrant immediately.

signed by:
Zbigniew Lisiecki Warszawa / Poland
Paweł Lenartowicz Warszawa / Poland
Paweł Zdun Warszawa / Poland

III. Remarks:

1. We keep the right to supplement and extend this application, as well as its possible corrections. We ship it in an accelerated manner in this version due to currently ongoing war crimes against the Ukrainian nation, which the system of international law must prevent as soon as possible.

2. Due to the sheer magnitude of crime, which corrupts possible Vladimir Vladimirovich Putins' followers by creating criminal feedbacks running also through state institutions, we urgently ask for support of this application by international institutions and states to ensure that the court can proceed safely and without delay this issue.

translation is on work